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Book Blogger Hop (6)

This week the question is:

When you write reviews, do you write them as you read them or do you wait until you finish the book?

I always wait until I finish so I can give a full review. Sometimes most of the book will be amazing but then the ending, for instance, isn't as good, or a character might seem flat until the last few chapters. However, as I read, I make mental notes and sometimes jot down things.

If you're hopping by, welcome! Please leave a link to your blog in the comments!


Jen said...

Stopping by from the hop!

I take notes as I go (sometimes) but I don't start actually writing a review until after I finished a book. Even then I usually have to let the book 'sink in' before I can start writing.

Jen @ Overused Parentheses

Jen said...

Hopping on by to say hello! I also take a few notes while reading (unless I get too into the book and forget) and then write up my thoughts.

danya said...

Thanks for hopping by! I also make mental notes while reading but don't actually write the review until I'm done.

Anonymous said...

Hullo! Lovely blog you've got here (love the name!) I wish I could read your latest review, but I just started reading Mockingjay, and I scream and cover my eyes at spoilers. ;)

Deepali said...

Hi, your blog is pretty uniquely designed - good job!
I'm from the hop and this week I'm Launching an international Giveaway!
e-Volving Books

Kristina Barnes♥ said...

Hoppin' on by <3

I'm pretty much the same as you. I wait until the end of a book to write my reviews in case my perspective has changed from the beginning. I do, however, take notes and mark up my books with highlights and post-its so I can go back to things I absolutely want to remember for the review later. :P

Frazzled Book Nommer

Chelle said...

My preference is to write my review immediately after I finish reading. But I always try to write it within a couple days or I just forget all the awesome things I mean to say.

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